Friday, September 30, 2011

First day . .

Dear sweetheart , ♥

Something, we don't talk 'bout
Rather do without
And just hold the smile

Falling in and out of Love
Ashamed and proud of
Together all the while

 . . . . . .

You're the queen of everything
As far as the eyes can see
Under your command

I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
Steady your hand
Don't let me go.

*mp3 is till playing*

Hello diary, hari nie, first day aku masuk kerje setelah kian lamenye aku bercuti. (sebulan) Pagi2, da bgun. Adeh. nape tah mood tak nak gi kerje nie ade. (ape tah . .macam bdak2 meragam bgun tido) Baju sume da siap iron. Bgun celik aje mate, dah nampak baju tergantung siap bergosok. ( phew!)  bertambah stress hati ini.. ( ade ek hati stress? ) Musykil2. ini lah manusia. Adoyai. Pemalas. Tapi tak pe . . Betulkan semula NAWAITU ini . .Muhasabah diri balik. ( tak sedar diri betul ade tggjwb yg berat ) 

Then, macam biase, bersiap2. Tibe2, 

Hello, Hello
Anybody out there . .?
Cuz i don't hear a sound . .
Alone, Alone
 I dont really know where the world is
But i miss it now

♥  ( phone is ringing ) ♥ 

(pergh, layan beb lagu incoming call) rupe2nye, Wena, call aku supaya dapat ke kerja sekali. Die ade depan rumah dah pun.. Then, punyelah nak cepat . . (sebab aku tk suke org tggu ) Main spray je my lovely 'boy' ke bju. Wah! berbunge2 aku gi kerja hari nie. ( ape daaa ) She juz park her car here. Kiss dlu Nomey tercinta yg tga tido. main laga2 idung lagi ( hak3 ) then, walk together til the cafe. having the breakfast also together maa . . (jgn jeles) 

Umph, oleh kerana cutinye agak lama, jadi, mmg xdapat disangkal lagi lah betapa bz nye diriku ini . . (tapi ade mase lak duk menaip ) Skarang rest kejap. Tapi, rindu jgak sbenarnye suasana dgn kawan2 sekerja. They all are kind. Nice. More profesional. ( tak kate org mlysia kerja xprofesional) Tapi, still ade different nye. Mgkin sebab Lifestyle, Culture, and etc. So, hope2 hari nie, semuanye berjalan dgan lancar . . tapi, even bz pun, maybe target boleh leave ikut schedule. ( Grin ) Malam nie dinner ngan Wena selepas die balik kerja. Ho3 kesimpulannye, all nye together la. ( Shining mood, hak3 )


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